Google UTM

Google Campaign UTM Builder

Use this form to build your Campaign URL (or Google UTM)

Form settings:no caps allowed,spaces as "-" (hyphens)

The referrer (i.e. facebook, google)

Please select a source first

Please select a medium first

Unique campaign identifier

Group of ads (aka utm content)

Unique ad name (aka utm term)

Your ad's release month

Please fill out all required fields to generate your Campaign URL.

Google Campaign URL (UTM) Parameters Explained

This table gives a detailed explanation and example of each Google Analytics UTM campaign parameter. Learn how this best-in-class Google Analytics UTM builder empowers marketers to create links that adhere to best practices, ensuring precise tracking and measurement of your digital marketing campaign performance directly within Google Analytics.

Form's URL structure:
Landing Page URL
adset name
ad name
Campaign Source
Yesgoogle, facebook, instagramWhere your traffic is coming from.
Campaign Medium
Yescpc, banner, displayWhat type of medium the link is used upon.
URL Objective
Yesawareness (aw), consideration (co), conversion (ko)The goal of the URL (Note: Objective is combined with Campaign (ie "objective_campaign") in UTM Campaign Name).
Yesholiday_sale, summer, new_releaseThe specific promotion or strategy.
Ad Set Name
adset name
Nomens_shoes, genzKnown as UTM Content. A sub-group or variant within a campaign.
Ad Name
ad name
Noblue, family_pictureKnown as UTM Term. Use clear, descriptive terms for the unique name (Note: Ad Name is combined with Date (ie "adname_date") in UTM Term).
No01 (January)The release month of the UTM for improved segmentation.

To learn more about UTM Marketing campaig best practices, visit How to Build, Store, and Track UTM Campaign links like a master digital marketer

About: UTM Smart Manager is the best form-builder and campaign tracker for Fortune 5000 marketing teams. With pre-defined naming conventions, enforced taxonomy rules, and world-class link tracking, Smart Manager helps digital marketers optimize their marketing ROI per activity (ie Campaign URL). If you're an Adobe marketer, you can also click here for the best Adobe CID Builder (or Adobe UTM Builder).